Beautiful Anane

Greetings to all followers of Duke in Ghana 2012.

I’m sure you’ve heard the Whitney Houston clichéd lyric , “Children are our future, teach them well…show them all the beauty they possess inside.”  After visiting Accra’s Anane Memorial International School, I understand this phrase is prominent and very true.  D.I.G students 2012, were introduced to beautiful primary aged students that gave the most culturally inviting Akwaba (Welcome).  This school is for primarily underprivileged students; each student is given a uniform and a free meal, along with a free education.  All students are required to learn English and French in preparation of success.

Walking through the Nima village we followed the charismatic sounds of Ghanian drumming.  Upon arriving to the school we walked into an auditorium where we were greeted by the thunderous roars, cheers and screams of the school children. Their excitement of experiencing a new people was definitely demonstrated. We sat facing the audience of students that were neatly dressed in their purple coded uniforms. Admiring the smiles of the children one couldn’t help, but returning the gesture. I promise by the time I left the school my cheeks were sore and I  think I created a permanent dimples in my cheeks.

The ceremony began with an oral welcome by the school’s nurse.  She then introduced  a group of students ages 11-13 gave several dance presentations. The passion in the face of the students was very much evident.  They moved rhythmically to the pounding of the drums. Each hit of the drum changed the choreography.  These students demonstrated the ability to learn and perform  a choreographed dance; they flowed together and each step was executed with dignity.

We also had the pleasure to hear students ages 5-7 recite intricate poems not only in English, but in French as well.  Before the program ended, the students invited D.I.G students to dance with the Anane students.  This invite created a community amongst all of us students.  Anane students are children I look forward to seeing in the future.